I decided to go on Instagram and ask you guys for some Quesions and this is what I got(:
1) did you ever get bullied and how did you overcome it?
I got bullied in primary school. Bullies are weak and pick on you if you show any sign of weakness so make sure to stick up for yourself! If it gets bad make sure you talk to someone don't just sit there and deal with it by yourself! People are there to help you so use it.
2) what is your number 1 back to school essential? For me it's some sort of lip product and spray. I can't live without these two things and if I ever forget them I have to search for someone to use there's or use one of my friends. I normally have a body spray and vaseline tin in my blazer.
3) what supplies would you recommend to keep in your pencil case? I have already done my pencil case and I included; coloured ball point pens, normal pens and pencils, highlighters, ruler, sharpener and a rubber.
4) what to do if I you feel left out? Well you're not going to make any friends if you stay on your own. So If you're shy just go up to someone and try and talk to them, you will feel so stress free once you have someone to hang around with. If it's feeling left out from your friendship group then you should tell them and if they're nasty about it just try and get more involved and if things are still bad after that go make friends with other people who are going to treat you better.
5)what to do if people start talking about you? Well first of all not everyone is going to like you, and no matter what you do nothing will change that. Don't let them bring you down and try to make sure you don't care about what others think, its your life not anyone elses.
I hoped you liked this q&a and fount it helpful! Follow me on Instagram @floralgxrl!