Thursday 19 February 2015

The Liebster Award

Hi, so the other day i got nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Ella rose and perks of being milly ,  so thanks :)
If you have no idea what this is (like me before) its an award to help grow and promote blogs. I consider myself as a very tiny blog because i know myself that i need to put more effort in for it to succeed. 

The Rules:
- Thank and tag the person who nominated you
- Answer the nominated questions
- Nominate 11 more blogs 
- Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
- Notify the nominees via social media/blogs

Questions i got:

If you could be a youtuber for a day who would you be?
well this would be expected but obviously Zoella! i'd do anything to have the job she has it would be amazing! Or bethany mota because then id be able to do other things in america that i probably wont ever do in my life.

what is your favourite make-up brand?
ive only recently got into make-up more mostly because of watching youtubers. I havnt got any high-end make up items so everything i have at the moment is drugstore. So i dont think id be able to choose one but my top two would be Rimmel and Mua. Rimmel's match perfection is amazing, ive brought it three times already, and the wake me up concealer is okay too, and their powders, kate moss lipsticks etc. Thinking more of what they have now thats probably my favourite one. But Mua is so underated as people automatically think because its cheap its rubbish, but there bronzer is better then the bourjois chocolate one! and the lipsticks and brow products are amazing!

Favourite shop?
H&M and primark. recently, these two shops have gone so much better, primarks quality has improved loads and they do loads of things that are pretty much identical to topshop stuff. H&M have loads of nice tops and jumpers at the moment that are perfect for spring and i love with their handbags!

Who inspires you the most?
i dont think one person in particular inspires me. many youtubers like Zoella, Tanya, Alfie and cookiemonster (adelaine) teach me to just do what i want to do and to be yourself and not what society wants you to be. My sisters and parents inspire me to work hard and get a good job so i wont ever have to struggle. My friends have a massive impact on the things i do because they always  encourage me to do things i wouldn't normally, so alot of people really.

why did you start your blog?
 i liked how it was like being a youtuber but you didnt have to speak, film and have amazing equipment to do it and you could do it without anyone knowing who you were etc. 

what is your dream career?
To be a successful youtuber or a celebrities personal assistant, ideally the kardashians or one of my favourite artists.

what is your favourite book and why?
i dont really read alot, but i think my favourite is probably Girl online as it was one of those that you just wanted to constantly read and never put down. 

Favourite Female and Male celebrity?
Probably Khloe Kardashian and chris brown? khloe because shes exactly like me except she is gorgeous! For a favourite male celebrity i dont really have one but at the moment im quite liking chris brown(:

Favourite subject at school?
i dont have one because year 11 is so stressful. But probably Pe because its like a chilled out lesson or photography. 

Favourite item of make-up?
bronzer is a must!

where is the best placed you have ever visited?
ive only been on holiday twice so i dont think i have one thats ever stood out to me. Probably london because its just full of things to do and places to go. 

i nominate...

My Questions:
~If you could have a shopping spree in one shop where would it be?
~Choose one: Snapchat or Instagram?
~If you could visit anywhere in the world for a week where would you go and why?
~What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time?
~If you could spend a day out anywhere with three celebrities, where would you go and who would you take?
~Favourite shop?
~Who inspires you?
~Favourite subject at school?
~A piece of make-up you couldnt live without?
~If you could take 7 things on a island with you what would they be?
~ where your happy place? 

sorry this was a long post, its took me ages!
answer the poll at the bottom if you dont mind, thanks :)